2024 Term 2 Week 9
From the Principal - Week 9
Religious Education - Term 2, Week 9
Seesaw Term 2 Week 9
Special Assembly
Mental Health in Primary Schools - Sleep Hygiene
OLHC Parish News
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
From the Principal - Week 9
Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 9. With only two and a half weeks left to go until the school holidays, it is a great opportunity to spend some time reflecting on the term’s highlights and successes with your children. Your children should be extremely proud of the effort they have put into their learning which is reflected in their individual achievements. The staff are looking forward to sharing these success stories with you at the Family Learning Conversations during the last week of term. I encourage you to take the time to look through your child’s workbooks, class displays and Seesaw posts over the coming weeks, as this will showcase their learning and support the Semester One school report. It is important to remember that every child learns at their own rate and that no two students are the same. This is what makes them unique. In the coming days you will receive an email inviting you to sign up for a Family Learning Conversations through SIMON.
Student Absences - PAM
A friendly reminder to parents to please enter your child's absence through PAM prior to 9.30am in the morning. If you child is going to be away for an extended period, multiple day entries can be added. Our policy states that all unexplained absences must be followed up with a text message from the school and then a phone call if no response is received. If parents are uncontactable, our duty of care requires us to contact your listed emergency contacts and then if we still cannot reach you, a call must be made to the police for a welfare check to ensure that everyone is ok. I thank all families for their support in ensuring that school attendance is correctly recorded.
Advisory Board Meeting
The next School Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Thursday 20th June.
School Reports and Family Learning Conversations
School Reports will be made available to families through SIMON/PAM on Monday 24th June from 3.30pm. Families will then have the opportunity to discuss the reports at the Family Learning Conversations on either Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th June. Please remember that it is common for children not to move on their report at the end of Semester One as sometimes not all the content has been taught or your child has demonstrated five months growth during this time and six months growth is required to move the dot. This is why the FLCs are so important to enable the teacher to share exactly where your child is at and what the focus will be moving forward.
Family Prayer
Every week Family Prayer is celebrated in the School Chapel. This is a very special opportunity for individual grades to invite their family members into the school to celebrate the love Jesus has for each of us through prayer. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have attended this term. Thank you also to Miss Rogers, the class teachers and the amazing students for their organisation of the prayer sessions. Please keep an eye out for your child’s class prayer allocation for Term 3. We would love to see you all there.
Scholastic Book Fair
This year we will be holding our annual Scholastic Book Fair once again over the Family Learning Conversation nights. This will take place in the multi-purpose room. Thank you to Mrs Gatehouse for her organisation of the event. A percentage from all books and resources sold will go towards purchasing new books for the library.
Balls at school
A number of students have been bringing their own football or soccer ball to school. This is fine to do but is done at the child’s own risk. If the ball goes over the fence, staff cannot leave their yard duty post to collect the ball as their duty of care is actively supervising the children. School balls are available for use and this is our recommendation.
Football Cards
A friendly reminder to parents that due to some ongoing issues with unfair trading occurring between students with football cards, the students have been asked to keep their cards at home and to trade them with parental consent outside of school. I thank you for your support in this matter.
NCCD - Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data? Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year, in August. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or ‘help” at school so that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed.
The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of students with either a diagnosed or imputed disability and will ensure consistency across the country, from state to state and from sector to sector.
To count a student in the NCCD, schools must consider the following:
- Does the student require adjustments to be made so that they can access the curriculum on the same basis as their peers?
- Does the student have a disability according to the Disability Discrimination Act?
- Have the student’s parents or caregivers been consulted with, in regard to these adjustments?
- Is there clear evidence of the above to support the inclusion of the student in the NCCD?
Parental Consent - Changes were made to the law (Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulation Act 2013) which mean that schools do not need to ask for parental consent in order to count a student. Rather, ongoing conversations between the school and family will have occurred prior to the decision being made each year. School’s are required to document the adjustments being made for all students. Evidence is collected in many different ways. Such possibilities include: School work samples, Testing and Assessments, Reporting, Intervention Programs, Meetings - Formal and Informal, Personalised Learning Plans and Professionals working within the school.
If you have any questions relating to the NCCD, please speak to Ged or myself.
Term Two Assembly Dates
Week 10: Thursday 20th June – Year 5 hosting
Important Dates
Monday 24 June Reports available to families
Wednesday 26 June Family Learning Conversations
Thursday 27 June Family Learning Conversations
Friday 28 June Last day of Term 2
Kind regards
Kathryn Pepper
Religious Education - Term 2, Week 9
Dear Families,
Family Prayer
Last week our level three students engaged in Family Prayer sessions reflecting on gratitude and hope. The students explored the meaning of Blessing Bowls. Each student and parent, decorated a pebble with symbols of prayer and hope. Leading up the Jubilee in 2025 Pope Francis decalred this year The Year of Prayer. Our Family Prayer is just one way our school community can ensure the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.
CARITAS - Help farmers like Chiquito in Timor-Leste to feed their families
Extreme weather, spiralling food costs and the lasting scars of conflict have left almost one in ten
children in neighbouring Timor-Leste suffering from acute malnutrition. You can help provide farmers like Chiquito in Timor-Leste with training in modern agricultural techniques, as well as provide them with support to protect their crops, improve yields and realise the full potential of every last acre of arable land.
With your generous donation, parents like Chiquito can have enough food to feed their families
both today and tomorrow, as well as extra produce to sell at the market – giving them the means
to pay for medical care and the basic necessities needed to live a healthy and dignified life.
Your donation this tax time can help farmers like Chiquito to feed their families and make hunger
Donate online at www.caritas.org.au/make-hunger-history
Year 5 - God Sends the Holy Spirit
After celebrating Pentecost on the 19th May, the year 5 students explored Acts 2:1-42 in which the coming of the Holy Spirit is explained. The students have written some beautiful reflections as seen below.
Seesaw Term 2 Week 9
Each week, teachers across our school post group and individual items on students' Seesaw accounts. This is done so that families can see in real time, what is happening in children's learning. It is hoped that families will be able to celebrate the successes that these posts showcase, as well as join in meaningful conversations together about what is being studied.
Seesaw allows for families to react and acknowledge the posts too, which is great for the students to know that you've enjoyed their work, and for the teachers to see that you are engaging with the platform. So, make sure that you are giving a "thumbs-up" or a "heart" emoji!
If you need any further information about Seesaw, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Special Assembly
On Friday the 28th of June at 2:30pm, we will be holding a special assembly to farewell Mrs Pepper and wish her well in her new position.
All past and present community members are warmly invited to attend this celebration and to take the opportunity to personally thank Kathryn for the amazing contribution she has made to the Trinity Community as a teacher and leader.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.
Mental Health in Primary Schools - Sleep Hygiene
High quality sleep is one of the most important factors to good mental health for everyone. We all know how we feel when we don’t get a good night sleep. It’s terrible. Research tells us that inadequate sleep can cause the following issues:
- mood changes and mental health issues
- fatigue and a lack of energy
- poor balance and coordination
- forgetfulness and neurological concerns
- a weakened immune system
- weight gain
- higher stress levels
To overcome these issues for ourselves and our children, we need to look at our sleep hygiene habits. But what is “sleep hygiene”? The term “sleep hygiene” can be a bit misleading, as it doesn’t include washing your face or brushing your teeth before bed. (But remember to do those things, too!)
Sleep hygiene practices are science-backed practices that occur during the day and before bedtime that help create the ideal conditions for healthy sleep, which can mean the difference between a restful night and a restless one.
You can help children sleep better with bedtime routines, regular bedtimes, healthy sleep associations, comfortable sleep environments and healthy daytime habits. The Raising Children Network, an Australian Parenting website, has effective tips to help you and your children to begin each day well rested. Click here to find out more.
Mr Dannaoui
Mental Health Wellbeing Leader
OLHC Parish News
Invitation for Alpha
You will laugh, you will be intrigued, you will wonder about the big issues in life.
You are invited to enjoy a free freshly cooked meal, bring a friend or make some new friends and be engaged with a short video that 29 million people across the world have enjoyed watching. The video will prompt some discussions on the big questions such as “Is there more to life than just my daily experience and if Jesus existed was he more than a wise man?”.
You will have opportunities to ask questions, share your ideas or just listen to others. It is fun and quite different to a lecture.
Who is it for?
Do you, or someone you know, fit into one of these categories:
· I wonder about faith issues
· I don’t call myself Christian
· I only come to mass once or twice a year
· I have given up on religion as being a good person is enough
Answer Yes? Then Alpha is for you or someone you know!
As a parent, you would greatly benefit from the social fellowship and atmosphere where you will learn about the historical evidence for Christ, the contemporary value of Christianity and explore the real meaning and purpose of life. We hope
that your experience will translate into a lasting impact for you, your family and will greatly influence your child’s spiritual life and no doubt shape their values and beliefs well into their adulthood. So come along and accompany a friend, a work colleague, or a family member.
We invite you to join our next Alpha course starting on 22nd August at 7pm at Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish, by scanning the QR code below to register your interest. If you are a non-Christian, non-believer or someone who does not regularly attend Mass we would especially love to see you register. Come and try it out on August 22 nd and, if you like it, stick around for the following nights, if not, nothing is lost.
Below is also a link to a short video that might give you a sneak- peek to the sessions .
Alpha Team
Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish Narre Warren
Mass Times
Sacramental Booklet Link
Parish Bulletin Link
Parish Website Link
Trinity has zero tolerance towards child abuse and is therefore committed to complying with the Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and School Boarding Premises. All parents/guardians wishing to help in the classroom, canteen or attend excursions MUST have completed the PARENT HELPER WORKSHOP and hold a current WORKING WITH CHILDREN CARD.
Further details are available from the school office or the Justice Department website. All parent/guardian helpers must sign in at the office before proceeding to the classrooms. Your current Working with Children card must be displayed at all times when working in the classrooms and attending excursions.
A reminder to all Parents/Carers, supervision by School Staff begins at 8.30am before school and after school only at the drop off area until 3.30pm.
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
- For greater safety and visibility, we are requesting that all drivers reverse park into the marked bays.
- Thank you all who use the pedestrian crossing area. You are demonstrating to your children correct road safety practices. Once children cross the pedestrian crossing into the parking area, they, for their safety, need to be placed into vehicles promptly. The car park is NOT a meeting area.
- The lane around the edge of the car park (closest to the oval) are for vehicles waiting to pick children up from the Pick-up Zone ONLY.
- The two parking bays closest to the office path are the PICK-UP ZONES. These are NO STANDING zones. If your children are not ready to get into your car as you pull up to the pick-up zone, you must continue on and rejoin the end of the pick-up queue.
- There is NO RIGHT TURN when exiting the car park. All vehicles must turn left for the safety of others and to maintain traffic flow.
- THE GATES CLOSE AT 8.50am. They will RE-OPEN AT 3.00pm. The gates close for the day at 3:30pm. Occasionally they might reopen slightly later due to school activities.
- The Staff Car Park is for STAFF PARKING ONLY. Please do not use it as a drop off/pick up for students.
Thank you for your patience and consideration of others