2025 Term 1 Week 5
From the Principal
Religious Education - Term 1, Week 5
OLHC Parish News, 2025
Week 5 Visual Arts
Sports News - Term 1, Week 5
Physical Education - Term 1, Week 5
Library News
SCHOOL PHOTO DAY-12 March 2025
St Francis Xavier College Open Day
SAFE AROUND Trinity Catholic Primary
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
From the Principal
Two weeks ago, Miss Rogers and I had the opportunity to attend the Diocesan Assembly. This event was a gathering of delegates from across the diocese who came together to discuss the life of the local church in each of our parishes or Church organisations. The aim of the Assembly was to make recommendations as to what the work and mission of our Diocese should be for the next five years.
It was a rich experience to sit amongst 27 table groups, each with their own experiences, ideas and strengths, who were all entering into hope filled discussions. At my table there were representatives from all corners of the Diocese- from Fish Creek to Paynesville.
All recommendations from the assembly will be presented to Bishop Greg and the Diocesan Mission Council to help form a Diocesan Pastoral Plan to guide us over the next five years.
Grade 5 Camp
The Grade 5s attended camp from Wednesday to Friday last week. During this time, they participated in activities such as raft making, a giant swing, the Circotron and camp games. Many of these activities required the students to step outside of their comfort zone, give something new ‘a go’ and developing resilience.
School camps are great as they promote social skills, independence, and confidence. Through outdoor activities and teamwork, children learn to collaborate, overcome challenges, and make new friends. Camps offer hands-on learning experiences, allowing kids to engage with nature and develop new skills. They also help improve emotional resilience, encourage physical activity, and create lasting memories.
At the end of the camp, the Phillip Island Adventure Resort left a note, expressing how well-mannered and kind the students were and how great the staff had been. This is a credit to our Grade 5 students and the way in which they conducted themselves at camp and represented out community. It is also a testament to the dedicated staff who planned and attended the camp.
Family Learning Conversations
Over the next two afternoons, our Family Learning Conversations are taking place onsite. The days and times are Wednesday 26th February (3.30pm – 6.30pm) and Thursday 27th February (3.30pm – 8.00pm). These meetings are an important opportunity for you to share with your child’s teacher your insights into their strengths, challenges, interests, and goals. You are the experts on your child, and we look forward to working in partnership with you to support your child’s growth!
Dr Billy Garvey Parent Session
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Dr Billy Garvey in person at Trinity on Monday the 3rd of March at 5-6:30pm.
Dr Billy Garvey is a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years’ experience working with children in a number of settings. He is a senior specialist at one of the largest tertiary paediatric hospitals in the world.
Dr Billy Garvey describes himself as a dad, podcaster, author and a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years’ experience working with children and families in several settings. He is best known for his podcast, Pop Culture Parenting.
This is an amazing opportunity to hear from an expert in his field.
Below you will find a flier about the session. We ask that you indicate if you are coming via the link in the flier so that we know how many attendees we are expecting.
Foundation Classes
Next week our Foundation students will commence coming to school on Wednesdays. The students have been having Wednesdays off up until this point. We look forward to helping these students get into the routine of coming to school more.
Next Friday 7th and Tuesday 11th March
Next Friday there will be no school for our student as the staff are attending a Professional Learning Day at Mary MacKillop Primary School. This day is focusing on Interreligious Dialogue with a number of guest speakers sharing throughout the day.
The school will also be closed on Tuesday the 11th March as this is a school closure day.
Friday School Photos- Wednesday 12th March
Leading Image School Photography will be taking the photos again this year. Online orders can now be made from now at www.leadingimage.com.au using the Access Key: M8BEY792. Please note, paper order forms will not be sent home. Family photos must be ordered by 4.30pm on Tuesday 11th March. There are more details below.
Year 3 and 5 students will complete NAPLAN between the 12th of March and the 24th of March.
If any families in Year 3 or Year 5 have holidays booked during this time, please email Mrs Cassandra Burke (cassandra.burke@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au), so we can factor this into our planning. We use NAPLAN to provide us with feedback about how we can improve our teaching, whilst parents are provided with a snapshot of how their child is progressing.
For us, it is one assessment that makes up a thorough Assessment Schedule and should not present any stress for students, as they are well versed at completing online assessments. If you have any concerns about your child participating in NAPLAN, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Athletics Carnival
On the Friday 21st March we will be holding our annual school athletics carnival at Casey Fields. All families are welcome to come along and support their child/ren on the day. We will require a number of volunteers to help with the events. If you can assist, please contact Mrs Woolf or Mrs Cahill.
School Colour Run- Monday 31st March
This year our we have once again teamed up with the Australian Fundraising Association to facilitate the Colour Fun Run. As was the case last year, the company supplies all the colour powder, glasses and head bands for the students.
Families will be encouraged to sponsor their child to do the event (any monetary amount) and invite extended family members and friends to do the same should they wish.
We have asked the Fire brigade to join us on the day. Fortunately, they have agreed to be present- as long as they are not called out.
Students will need to wear a white or light-coloured shirt and enclosed shoes for the event as they may be covered from head to toe in coloured powder!
Parent Helper Online Workshop
At Trinity we value parent participation and support at special events and on excursions. For parents to volunteer it is a requirement that a Working with Children’s Check is valid and that the Trinity Parent Volunteer Induction is completed. This involves watching an online video that can be located on PAM under Parent Links. Once completed, please bring in your WWCC to the office and sign our Code of Conduct (if not already done). This is part of our commitment to Child Safety. Thank you.
Fundraising Committee
Each year the school has several events which raise valuable funds for our school. To support these events, we have a Fundraising Committee of parents who help to co-ordinate and organise aspects. Some of the planned activities for this year include the Colour Run, the Mother’s Day Stall and the Father’s Day stall. If you would like to a part of this group, we will be having a meeting on the 2oth March at 8:45am in the Boardroom.
School Gates
We are in the process of getting the big school gates into the car park/basketball courts electrified. These gates can be difficult to open at times of high wind and inclement weather.
2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information:
2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
We have now begun the process of enrolling 2026 Foundation students. If you have a child coming in 2026, or know of someone else who does, please contact the office for further details. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the Trinity School Website.
Term Three Assembly Dates
Week 6: Thursday 6th March- Grade 5 Hosting
Week 8: Thursday 20th March- Harmony Day Assembly
Week 10: Thursday 3rd April- Grade 4 Hosting
Term 1 Important Dates
Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th Feb | Family Learning Conversations |
Monday 3rd March | Dr Billy Garvey Parent Session |
Tuesday 4th March | Shrove Tuesday |
Wednesday 5th March | Ash Wednesday |
Friday 7th March | School Closure Day Staff Professional Learning Day for RE |
Monday 10th March | Labour Day Holiday |
Tuesday 11th March | School Closure Day |
Wednesday 12th March | School Photos |
Wednesday 12th March | NAPLAN Testing Window Opens |
Thursday 20th March | Harmony Day |
Friday 21st March | Trinity Athletics Carnival |
Monday 31st March | Colour Run |
Friday 4th April | Last Day of Term 1 |
Please check PAM for Year level excursions and incursions.

Religious Education - Term 1, Week 5
Dear Families,
Congratulations Social Justice Leaders!
We are proud to celebrate our incredible Social Justice Leaders who have stepped up to make a positive difference in our school and community. Your dedication to kindness, fairness, and helping others truly reflects our school motto of showing Faith, Hope, and Love in all that we do at Trinity.
Thank you for leading by example, standing up for what is right, and inspiring us all to care for one another and our world. We can’t wait to see the amazing impact you will make this year!

Level Two Students Embark on a Pilgrimage of Hope
This term, our Level Two students have been joyfully exploring the Jubilee Year theme, Pilgrims of Hope, weaving it into their daily morning prayers and a special pilgrimage around our school.
Through reflective prayer each morning, students have been invited to think deeply about what it means to be a Pilgrim of Hope, focusing on kindness, compassion, and their role in bringing hope to others. They have shared intentions, prayed for those in need, and reflected on how small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world around them.
To bring this theme to life, the students embarked on a school-wide pilgrimage, visiting significant spaces that reflect our Catholic Identity. At each stop — including the chapel, the library, the playground, and the front office — they paused to reflect on how we live out inclusion, encounter, and love as a school community. This pilgrimage reminded students that being a Pilgrim of Hope means walking with others, embracing everyone with love, and always seeking ways to build a more caring community. We are so proud of how our Level Two students have embraced this journey with open hearts and a spirit of hope.

Sacrament of Reconciliation
A friendly reminder that the Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent-Child Workshops are scheduled for:
Wednesday, 26th February 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm
Thursday, 27th February 2025 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm
If you have any questions regarding enrolment, please contact the Sacramental Coordinator Vea at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish.
Kind regards,
Emily Rogers
Religious Education Leader

OLHC Parish News, 2025
Mass Times

Sacramental Booklet, 2025
Parish Bulletin Link
Week 5 Visual Arts
This years whole school collabrative artwork is up and looks amazing. This artwork is inspired by the Fibre artist-Libs Elliott. Nearly every student and staff member created their own mini artwork that was put together to create this artwork.

We have had a great start of the year with some great creative artworks made
Drawing Competition at Casey Central

Enter the drawing competition and showcase your cultural background and what you enjoy doing with your family to celebrate your culture for a chance to win one of 10 amazing $100 gift cards. You can then see your masterpiece proudly showcased in our Multicultural Art Display! The display is part of our Cultural Festival running in March
If you wish to enter please click on the link and download the template-https://www.caseycentral.com.au/whats-on/kids-drawing-competition
Sports News - Term 1, Week 5
Thank you to the students in years 4-6 who submitted 50 metre swimming times for our SSV School District (Hampton Park) Swimming. Thank you also to the parents for supporting your children to submit their times. These swimming times were compared with students from the eight other schools within our district. The students with the fastest time for each age group, gender and swimming event have qualified for the next stage, division swimming. Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to represent Trinity and our school district at the SSV Divisional Swimming on Tuesday 11th March:
- Eddie (4C) - 50m breaststroke
- Jude (5C) - 50m freestyle
- Harry (5C) - 50m freestyle
- Ben (6C) - 50m breaststroke
- Joel (6C) - 50m backstroke
- Chloé (6B) - 50m freestyle and 50m breaststroke
We wish you all the best in your upcoming events.
Mrs Dianna Woolf and Mrs Nicole Cahill (PE Teachers)
Physical Education - Term 1, Week 5
Friday 21st March, 2025
The students have all been practising during their physical education lessons for their running and field events and are excited to participate at our Trinity Athletics Carnival. Planning for this event is well underway and we thank the parents who have kindly volunteered to assist on the day.
We still require a substantial amount of volunteers to assist with both field and track events. If you are able to assist for a part of or the whole day, please email
dianna.woolf@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au or nicole.cahill@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au or alternatively, you can phone the school office on 97041970.
Please see a copy of the schedule of events below.
A permission form for your child/children to attend will be available on PAM soon.
Mrs Dianna Woolf and Mrs Nicole Cahill (physical education (PE) teachers)
Library News
A huge welcome back to all staff and students to your Library. It’s been a great start to the year with students eagerly borrowing and enjoying the space.
This year we have a “Suggestion Box” for the purchase of titles that we don’t currently have in our Library. Students are encouraged to fill in a form with their ideas of what they would like to see on our shelves and those suggestions are researched and checked for their suitability in relation to appropriate reading material for primary aged students.
To date we have had some wonderful suggestions which I am currently working through. I have noticed a lot of requests for different series of “Manga”. I know how very popular these series are, but unfortunately, they are deemed unsuitable for our school. May I suggest that students who wish to read these series, borrow them from their local public library, or purchase them, under the guidance of their parents/guardians.
Please also be aware that once suggestions have been approved and ordered, it does take some weeks for stock to arrive, be processed and make it to our library shelves.
Happy Reading!
Mrs Gatehouse

SCHOOL PHOTO DAY-12 March 2025

St Francis Xavier College Open Day
SAFE AROUND Trinity Catholic Primary

Trinity Car Park Etiquette
- Please abide by the 5km/h limit the WHOLE TIME you are in the park area.
- For greater safety and visibility, we are requesting that all drivers reverse park into the marked bays in our school car park.
- Thank you to all who use the pedestrian crossing area. You are demonstrating to your children correct road safety practices. Once children cross the pedestrian crossing into the parking area, they, for their safety, need to be placed into vehicles promptly. The car park is NOTa meeting area.
- The lane around the edge of the car park (closest to the oval) are for vehicles waiting to pick children up from the Pick-up Zone ONLY.
- The two parking bays closest to the office path are the only PICK-UP ZONES. These are NO STANDINGzones. If your children are not ready to get into your car as you pull up to the pick-up zone, you must continue on and either park or rejoin the end of the pick-up queue.
- THE GATES CLOSEAT 8.50am. They will RE-OPEN AT 3.00pm. The gates close for the day at 3:30pm. Occasionally they might reopen slightly later due to school activities.
- The Staff Car Park is forSTAFF PARKING ONLY. Please do not use it as a drop off/pick up for students.
We really need commitment from families to NOT TURN RIGHT when exiting the car park. All vehicles must TURN LEFT for the safety of others and to maintain traffic flow.
We also have families double parking along Oakgrove Drive and letting their children out. This is unsafe, prevents traffic flow and against road rules.
We have also been contacted by Casey Council, which patrols the area, about families performing U-turns on Oakgrove Drive. Their advice is as follows:
Ø U-turns are dangerous during the peak school times for pedestrians but also other drivers.
Ø They recommend NOT performing U-turns in this area. This is dangerous for children and pedestrians around a school precinct.
Ø They recommend driving further up to the roundabout on Oakgrove Drive, where you can turn around safely or exit away from the school.
If you have others picking up your children, such as Grandparents, can you please inform them of Trinity’s protocols or etiquette.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to your continued commitment to keep our students and families safe.