2024 Term 4 Week 9
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
As this will be the final Newsletter for the school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the achievements, growth, and incredible community spirit we’ve experienced together. This year has been a testament to the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of our students, staff, and families.
It has been a joy to see our students thrive, not only academically but in all aspects of their personal development. From classroom achievements to community events, we’ve come together as a school family to support and encourage each other.
I want to extend my deepest thanks to all of our school staff, who have gone above and beyond to support our students. Your dedication to fostering a positive and enriching learning environment is truly appreciated. I would also like to thank the parents, carers and families for your ongoing support and for working alongside us, in partnership.
As we approach the Christmas and the summer break, I encourage you all to take time to rest, recharge, and spend quality time together. I hope the Christmas season offers a chance for reflection, relaxation, and connection with family and friends.
"May the peace of Christ fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with hope. May this Christmas season bring you closer to one another, and may the New Year be filled with God’s blessings."
Orientation Years 1-6
Today students in Years 1-6 in 2025 will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher/s from 11.30-1pm.
A reminder that parents and carers make a difference in how children adapt to change and transitions. It is important to frame these times as opportunities to make new friends, learn new things and meet new teachers. Speaking positively about their 2025 Grade will support your children to be excited and keen for the new year.
Once the grades are finalised and announced on orientation today, they cannot be changed simply because your child wanted a particular student or teacher. I ask for your support in this matter and trust that your child’s 2024 teacher has made the best decision for your child going forward.
Staffing News
Mrs Nicosia and her husband Mark have had a beautiful baby girl called Sadie earlier this term. We wish them every blessing and happiness.
Annette McMahon, one of our ESO staff, has made the decision to retire and will be leaving us at the end of 2024. We wish Annette all the best as she settles into the next exciting chapter of her life.
We also have a new number of staff joining our community next year. We welcome teachers Mrs Sarah Thompson, Mrs Cecilia Keuch, Miss Nicole Cicchini, Mrs Kirsten Andrews, Miss Amanda Lindfield, Mrs Rebecca Burley and our new Learning Adjustment Leader Mrs Rosetta Osthmuller. On behalf of Trinity, I welcome them to our school community! We are excited to have them join us and look forward to the wonderful contributions they will bring to our students and the school.
2025 Levels and Teachers
FA- Miss Victoria Stewart
FB- Miss Chelsie Noy
FC- Miss Amy Gullifer- 4 days (Mon-Thu) and Mrs Sarah Thompson 1 day (Fri)
Level 1
1A- Miss Anita Scarton
1B- Miss Emily Rogers - 4 days (Mon-Thur) and Mrs Mary Temby- 1 day (Fridays)
1C- Mrs Kaleigh Mayhew
Levle 2
2A- Miss Jemma Kerr
2B- Mr Nick Watty- 2 day (Mon- Tues) and Mrs Kim Baldsing-3 days (Wed-Fri)
2C- Mrs Flor Bitoin
Level 3
3A- Miss Rebecca Loomes
3B- Miss Grace Viney
3C- Mrs Cecilia Keuch- 2 days (Mon-Tues) and Miss Cicchini (Mrs Nicole Allan) - 3 days (Wed-Fri)
Level 4
4A- Mrs Brea Parker- 4 days (Mon-Thu) and Mrs Malisa Mitrea- 1 day (Fri)
4B- Mrs Rebecca Burley
4C- Mrs Nicola Schultze-4 days (Mon-Thur) and Mrs Renee Albert- 1 day (Fri)
Level 5
5A- Mrs Sarah Wedlock- 3 days (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Kirsten Andrews- 2 days (Thur-Fri)
5B- Miss Amanda Lindfield
5C- Mrs Chantelle Fernandes
Level 6
6A - Mrs Rima Darwish
6B- Mrs Danielle Davis- 4 days (Mon-Thu) and Mrs Casey-Leigh Watson- 1 day (Fri)
6C- Mrs Ria Varsamis-4 days (Mon-Thu) and Miss Jaimilee Marsden- 1 day (Fri)
Specilaist Teachers
Art- Mrs Sam Moss
ICT- Mr Joe Dannaoui and Miss Jaimilee Marsden
PE- Mrs Nicole Cahill and Mrs Dianna Woolf
Performing Arts- Mrs Malisa Mitrea
Italian- Mrs Delia McCarthy
Our wonderful ESO staff will also be in various Levels to support our students.
Grade 6 Graduation
On Thursday December 12, our 2024 Grade 6 cohort will celebrate the completion of their primary schooling years with a special Mass and Graduation Ceremony. This is a momentous occasion for both the students and their families and is a time to reflect on how much they have grown physically, academically and personally throughout their seven years of primary school.
This year’s Grade 6s have been wonderful role models for the Trinity community. The friendships that they have developed and the support they offer each other in various ways has brought them together as a cohesive group. This has been remarked upon by all who have had the privileged to accompany them on their educational journey so far. I would like to express my appreciation to them for all the ways they have contributed to making Trintiy the welcoming community that is and especially the way that they have stepped up as leaders this year.
On behalf of the Trinity community, I wish the Class of 2024 every blessing as the go onto the next stage of their education. May you go forth in Faith, Hope and Love.
Reports and Digital Portfolios
2024 Semester Two reports available in PAM next Monday 16th of December after school. To view your child's report please log into PAM to access your child's profile. Once logged in please select 'Profile Menu' and 'Assessment Reports'. This will allow you to download the report and view on your phone. If you are unable to do this, please check your download settings on your phone or alternatively please sign into a device other than a phone. Your child’s Seesaw account will also be finalised with their work on this day too.
End of Year Mass
Our end of year Mass will be celebrated on Friday the 13th of December at 9am in the school hall. Parents and carers are warmly invited to join in this celebration. We will also be farewelling leaving staff at the end of Mass.
Christmas Carols
On Tuesday the 17th at 1:45pm, we will be having Christmas Carols to celebrate Christmas. All families are invited to attend. If the weather is suitable, we will be having the celebration outside on the soccer pitch (TBC), so please bring a picnic rug or a chair. Children are invited to wear Christmas themed clothes and accessories on this day!
Year 6 Camp
Our Grade 6 students had a wonderful time on the city camp and were great representatives for our school. They explored many Melbourne landmarks such as The Old Melbourne Goal, Eureka Sky Deck, The Queen Victorian Market, the MCG and cruised down the Yarra River. I’m not sure of what the total step count was for the whole experience but I’m sure it would have been very high! The CYC City Camp provided the campers with a safe and comfortable place to rest and recuperate after the day’s exploring.
I would like to thank the staff who organised the amazing experience and supported the students with such care and enthusiasm. Thank you to Mrs Davis, Mrs Parker, Mrs Varsamis, Mrs Mitrea, Mr Dannaoui, Mrs Pepper, Mrs Romalie and Mrs Quick.
First Day of School for 2025
The first day of school for all students (F-6) for 2025 is Thursday the 30th of January. Staff will be returning on Tuesday the 28th of January and the School Office will also be open this day.
School Fees 2025
Due to the changes in fee structures each year, it is necessary that direct debit forms are completed annually. These forms are always available through the ‘Daily Messages’ window on your PAM account. Direct debit forms are also emailed each year.
Library Books
As the school year begins to draw to an end, we ask that you have a look around your houses for any outstanding library books. It is never too late to return a book to the library. They are always welcome back!
2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
We have now begun the process of enrolling 2026 Foundation students from existing families. If you are a current school family and have a child coming in 2026, please contact the Office for an application form or you can download one from the school website.
Families Leaving Trinity
If your family situation is changing, we would appreciate you letting the Office know. An accurate indication of student numbers assists us enormously. We have a waiting list and if we know you are leaving, we can offer your spot to another family.
Term Four Assembly Dates
Week 10: No Assembly.
Term Four Important Dates- Whole School Events Only
Wednesday 5 December | Orientation for 2025 classes |
Thursday 12 December | Year 6 Graduation- 6.00pm |
Friday 13 December | End of Year Mass 9.00am- Whole School |
Monday 16 December | Reports available on PAM after school |
Tuesday 17 December | Last day of School for 2024/ Christmas Carols 1.45pm |
Please check PAM for Year level excursions and incursions.
Kind regards,
Ged Shelton
Bishop Greg's Advent Message
In the video message linked below, Catholic Bishop of Sale Most Reverend Greg Bennet invites us to embrace the spirit of Advent 2024, a time of reflection, hope and preparation for the coming of Christ.
Christmas Card Competition
Each year DOSCEL runs a Christmas Card Competition for Primary and Secondary schools across the Diocese of Sale.
This year’s theme for the Christmas Card Design was –
“They saw the child with Mary his mother;
and they knelt down and paid him homage.
Then, opening their treasure chests they offered him gifts
of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)
We would like to congratulate Aubriana Thepmany in Grade 5, Trinity’s best in school for 2024 with the artwork below.
Week 9, Term 4 - Religious Education
Dear Families,
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
We will once again partner up with St Vincent de Paul to create Christmas hampers for those in our community experiencing financial and emotional hardship. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and to reflect on just how lucky many of us are. The Social Justice Leaders have placed a tree in the atrium where non-perishable Christmas food items can be placed for the hamper, as well as small toys (new) that can be given as gifts. If you are able to donate to this worthy cause, your support would be greatly appreciated. The last day for donations will be Tuesday the 17th of December.
Sacramental Booklet 2025
The 2025 Sacramental Booklet is being finalised by the Sacramental Coordinator at OLHC Parish. It will be sent out via PAM once it is made available.
Kind regards,
Emily Rogers
Religious Education Leader
MHiPS: Taking care our kids mental health over the holidays, Term 4 Week 9
The holidays are upon us once more. Hopefully it's a time where we can wind down and recharge our batteries. However, changes to routine during holidays can cause some young people to feel stressed, isolated and alone. Your support is very important at this time as it will help them to maintain good mental health during the holidays and beyond. The link below is a short 5 minute read that has useful information to help us all support our children to stay in a healthy headspace during school holidays. In the link, there is also some information that may help you to identify when your child might need some extra support and where to go for help.
Wishing you all a happy and Christmas and prosperous 2025. Take care and God bless.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
Mr Dannaoui
Canteen News!
Thank you for supporting our canteen this year, your children’s smiles and beautiful manners are a wonderful part of our busy days.
Please note that our last day of service will be Thursday 12th December.
That’s just one week to go!!!! So tell your children to look out for our Christmas Tees!
Have a Safe, Happy and Holy New Year.
Suzanne and Tania
CDFPay - New App for Lunch Orders Term 1 - 2025
A Christmas Wish from Romalie & Denise
If you are intending to the office staff a Christmas gift this year, it is our Christmas wish that you donate an item/s of non-perishable food to St Vincent de Paul instead. This will help families in our community. Non-perishable items can be dropped into the school office anytime.
Wishing all our families a happy, holy & safe Christmas, New Year & holidays.
Many thanks
Romalie & Denise
A Very SPECILA THANK YOU ALL for your kind donations