2024 Term 3 Week 2
From the Principal- Term 3 Week 2
School Disco
Religious Education - Term 3, Week 2
Visual Art-Term 3, Week 2
MHiPS: Stress - Term 3, Week 2
Year 5 Hoop Time - Term 3, Week 2
Year 4 Hoop Time - Term3, Week 2
OLHC Parish News
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
From the Principal- Term 3 Week 2
Welcome to Term Three!
It was wonderful to see our students looking rested and to hear about the ‘best part’ of their holidays, as they walked through the gates last Tuesday. All classes are settling back into routines and getting into their learning.
I would like to take this opportunity to say how honoured I am to be acting as Principal for the next 6 months. Supported by the dedicated and amazing staff, I am looking forward to continuing the partnership between the families and school which is such a strength at Trinity and underpins the success of our community. Our school’s motto is ‘Growing Together in Faith, Hope and Love’ and it is together that we make this a lived experience.
Last week the staff were fortunate enough to have two valuable professional learning experiences. The first was on Monday when we heard form Sr Mary Reaburn, who helped staff unpack some Old Testament Scriptures by looking at the history, geography and culture of the times.
After school on Thursday, we had Dr Billy Garvey working with us. Billy describes himself as a dad, podcaster, author and a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years’ experience working with children and families in several settings. He is best known for his podcast, Pop Culture Parenting. Billy’s work with the staff focused around building resilient children. This was the first of two sessions that Billy is conducting with staff, and we are excited to welcome him back next week. We are hoping to organise a night for parents in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information.
Over serval weekends in July, August and September we have many of our students celebrating their First Holy Communion. I would like to congratulate these students and their families on taking such an important step in their faith journey and wish them every blessing on this special day.
Staffing Updates
We welcome Mrs Kim Baldsing back to Trinity, as she becomes Grade 2B’s teacher (replacing Cassandra Burke who is Acting Deputy) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Mr Nick Watty continues his work in Student Support, as well as teaching in 2B two days a week.
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you to all the families who supported the Scholastic Book Fair at the end of last term. It was a great success with approximately $1,000 raised to spend on teacher resources and more titles for our student library shelves. A wonderful effort! Thank you to Kath Gatehouse, who liaised with Scholastic and organised the fair.
Updating Personal Details
Have your details changed? If any of the details below have changed, can you please update them by emailing the school at: info@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au PAM/SIMON app will not allow you to update these details.
- Has your phone number changed?
- Has your address changed?
- Have your emergency contact details changed?
If your child’s medical details have changed, these can be updated on PAM/SIMON. This is critical so that we can keep your child safe.
School Safety-Drop Off and Pick Up Times
Please be aware that normal road rules apply when you are awaiting the opening of the school gates at the start and end of the day. It is essential that traffic flow can continue during these times. We want to ensure the safety of our families and students and ask for your assistance in this matter.
Term Three Assembly Dates
Week 3: Thursday 1st August- Grade 3 hosting
Week 5: Thursday 15th August- Foundation hosting
Week 7: Thursday 29th August- Grade 1 hosting
Week 10: Thursday 19th September- Grade 6 hosting
Term Three Important Dates- Whole School Event Only
Friday 26 July | NAIDOC Week Whole School Mass |
Wednesday 14 August | School Closure Day (no school) |
Wednesday 21 August | Book Week Dress-up Day |
Tuesday 27 August | Father’s Day Stall |
Wednesday 28 August | Father’s Day Breakfast - Surnames A-K |
Friday 30 August | Father's Day Breakfast - Surnames L-Z |
Friday 6 September | School Disco |
Thursday 12 September | School Closure Day (no school) |
Friday 20 September | Last Day of Term 3- Footy Day |
School Disco
Religious Education - Term 3, Week 2
Dear Families,
Sacrament of First Eucharist
NAIDOC Week Celebrations
Celebrating NAIDOC Week at Trinity was marked by a series of engaging classroom activities exploring the rich cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through interactive lessons, art projects, and storytelling sessions. It was a fantastic oppurtunity for students to continue to learn about Indigenous history and contributions, and participated in discussions that deepened their understanding and respect for these cultures.
We are looking forward to our Whole School NAIDOC Week Mass, where the school community will come together to reflect on the significance of NAIDOC Week, offer prayers of gratitude, and celebrate the spiritual and cultural diversity that enriches their lives.
Sacrament of Confirmation
A reminder to all families interested in enrolling their child in the Sacrament of Confirmation that the CDF enrollment will close Friday 26th July. Your child must have been Baptised in the Catholic Church and have recieved the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist previously.
Attending ONE Parent Formation Night for this Sacrament is compulsory. They are scheduled for the following dates at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish:
Thursday 25th July - 6:45pm
Wednesday 31st July - 6:45pm
Please see the Sacramental Booklet below. Alternativelty contact the OLHC Parish Office:
https://olhc.org.au/ P: 03 9704 7935
Kind regards,
Emily Rogers
Visual Art-Term 3, Week 2
Grade Three Visual Arts
The Grade Three students have been working hard creating alot of amazing art. Finishing off their clay self portraits and creating these cute squishmallows
Scholastic Bookclub due on the 5th of August
MHiPS: Stress - Term 3, Week 2
Stress is a common and normal physical response to challenging or new situations. It can be a force for good to help overcome challenges and motivate you and your child. However, stress becomes a problem when it persists or makes you or your child feel overwhelmed. This can bring on mental health issues which can impede on everyday life. With the right techniques, we can help our children manage their stress levels so that they can live happier and healthier lives.
High stress level that comes from abuse, neglect or trauma is what’s called ‘toxic stress’ (that is, it can become toxic to brain development). Children’s brains develop in ways that help them cope with these stressful situations. Their brains have been primed to look out for constant danger and so they perceive greater levels of threat.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating well, and getting enough sleep and exercise are great starting points to lower the stress levels of your child. Beyond that, doing the following can also be beneficial:
- Monitor your child’s stress levels - recognise their signs of stress and identify situations they will find challenging, so you can be pro-active about managing their stress during these times.
- Help your child to manage their stress levels in positive ways with exercise, relaxation, breathing, positive self-talk.
- Schedule ‘time out’ for your child that doesn’t include a screen.
- Give your child time foster and maintain friendships. A sense of belonging and connection is important mental wellbeing.
- If you have spiritual beliefs, make time for spiritual practice.
If difficulties continue beyond a few weeks, seek additional support from friends, family, a GP, or a psychologist. Doing so will reduce the stigma around mental health and keep communication channels open between you, your child and your wider community. To learn more, check out this great resource from the Raising Children Network.
Mr. Dannaoui
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader
Year 5 Hoop Time - Term 3, Week 2
YEAR 5 HOOP TIME - Tuesday 23rd July
On Tuesday 23rd July, 47 students from year 5 participated in a round robin basketball competition at Casey Stadium. The students represented Trinity in six teams and competed against teams from seven local schools. Congratulations to all the students for representing Trinity with pride. The students are to be commended for their positive attitude, determination and outstanding teamwork skills. We appreciate and thank our coaches: Tracy (All Stars Boys), Alex and Matt (Future Stars Trinity Titans), Quoc and Felipe (Future Stars Trinity Tigers), Elmer (Rookies Trinity Timberwolves), Mrs Volange (Rookies Trinity Tornadoes) and Shabna (Rookies Trinity Teddies) for coaching the teams on the day. Thank you also to Linda, Mrs Bennett, Jessica and Cindy who helped with scoring, Mrs Darwish, Mrs Fogarty and Mr Watty for supporting the students and to the family members who came to support and encourage the students.
Mrs Woolf (PE Teacher)
Year 4 Hoop Time - Term3, Week 2
YEAR 4 HOOP TIME - Wednesday 26th June
On Wednesday 26th June, 57 students from year 4 participated in a round robin basketball competition at Casey Stadium. The students represented Trinity in seven teams and competed against teams from four local schools. Congratulations to all the students for proudly wearing a Trinity basketball singlet and for showing great sportsmanship towards fellow Trinity students, competitors, the referees, teachers and the families who supported them. All the students tried their very best and it was great to see them having fun whilst developing their basketball and teamwork skills. Congratulations to the Future Stars Trinity Tigers team for progressing to the semi finals.
We appreciate and thank our coaches: Jenni (Future Stars Trinity Tigers), Carlos (Future Stars Trinity Turtles), Yan (Future Stars Trinity Tropics), Mrs Schultze (Rookies Trinity Titans), Ryan (Rookies Trinity Timberwolves), Miss Saunders (Rookies Trinity Tornadoes) and Mr Watty (Rookies Trinity Teddies) for coaching the teams on the day. Thank you also to Angie, Renee, Mel, Carole, Mrs Fernandez, Mrs Fernandes, Melissa and Georgia, who helped with scoring and to the family members who came to support and encourage the students.
Mrs Woolf (PE Teacher)
OLHC Parish News
Mass Times
Sacramental Booklet Link
Parish Bulletin Link
Parish Website Link
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
- For greater safety and visibility, we are requesting that all drivers reverse park into the marked bays.
- Thank you all who use the pedestrian crossing area. You are demonstrating to your children correct road safety practices. Once children cross the pedestrian crossing into the parking area, they, for their safety, need to be placed into vehicles promptly. The car park is NOT a meeting area.
- The lane around the edge of the car park (closest to the oval) are for vehicles waiting to pick children up from the Pick-up Zone ONLY.
- The two parking bays closest to the office path are the PICK-UP ZONES. These are NO STANDING zones. If your children are not ready to get into your car as you pull up to the pick-up zone, you must continue on and rejoin the end of the pick-up queue.
- There is NO RIGHT TURN when exiting the car park. All vehicles must turn left for the safety of others and to maintain traffic flow.
- THE GATES CLOSE AT 8.50am. They will RE-OPEN AT 3.00pm. The gates close for the day at 3:30pm. Occasionally they might reopen slightly later due to school activities.
- The Staff Car Park is for STAFF PARKING ONLY. Please do not use it as a drop off/pick up for students.
Thank you for your patience and consideration of others
Trinity has zero tolerance towards child abuse and is therefore committed to complying with the Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and School Boarding Premises. All parents/guardians wishing to help in the classroom, canteen or attend excursions MUST have completed the PARENT HELPER WORKSHOP and hold a current WORKING WITH CHILDREN CARD.
Further details are available from the school office or the Justice Department website. All parent/guardian helpers must sign in at the office before proceeding to the classrooms. Your current Working with Children card must be displayed at all times when working in the classrooms and attending excursions.
A reminder to all Parents/Carers, supervision by School Staff begins at 8.30am before school and after school only at the drop off area until 3.30pm.