Week 3, Term 4 2022
Principal - Kathryn Pepper
Dear Parents,
As we enter Week 3 of Term 4, it is incredible to stop and reflect on how quickly the year is going. If not already, then over the next few weeks, the children are inevitably going to start thinking about next year and what it may look like for them. They have all had the opportunity to list some friends that they would like to be with next year and will start to wonder who their teacher might be.
As adults it is an opportune time to consider how we are going to respond to the questions that will come, and reflect upon what way we would like to lead our children. If we are positive, encouraging, supportive and excited about the possibilities then, like in all other aspects of their life, our children will follow our lead. It is important to acknowledge and recognise with them that being a little nervous is a perfectly natural feeling and that change brings many unexpected positives.
Over the coming weeks the teachers will begin to create the classes for 2023. A lot of time, consideration and effort goes into creating the classes, ensuring that every child has the best opportunity to experience success.
During Weeks 1 and 2, the students in Years 2 and 4 attended an intensive swim program at Paul Saddler Pool. The students are to be commended for their excellent behaviour and manners during their lessons. The staff at the pool commented to Mr Sharp on numerous occasions about how well the students engaged and how they were the best-behaved school they had had in a long time.
Foundation 2023 Information Night
The Foundation Information night for students beginning school in 2023 will be held in the school’s multi-purpose room TONIGHT at 7pm. If you are unable to make it, please let the office know.
Families Leaving Trinity
If your family situation is changing, we would appreciate you letting the Office know. An accurate indication of student numbers assists us enormously. We have a waiting list and if we know you are leaving, we can offer your spot to another family.
2024 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
We will begin the process of enrolling 2024 Foundation enrolments in November. If you have a child coming in 2024, or know of someone else who does, please contact the Office for an enrolment form or it can be downloaded off the website.
School gates close at 3.30pm
We have noticed that many students are still waiting to be collected after the 3.30pm bell. We understand that at times traffic can play a part in not being at school by 3.15pm, however we do ask for your assistance in collecting your child on time as staff have meetings to attend from 3.30pm.
Summer School Uniform
All students will now be required to wear summer uniforms, which include the school hat. Uniforms can be purchased from Beleza or the school’s second-hand store.
VRQA – Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
All Victorian schools must be registered and compliant with the VRQA in order to function as a school system. Every four years schools are audited to ensure their policies, procedures, curriculum and child safety documentation is up to date. Yesterday Trinity participated in the audit process and not only did we remain compliant, but we were commended for our high standards and excellence in all areas. At Trinity we have an amazing staff who work together to ensure not only your child receives a high-quality education, but that the compliance side of an education is also nothing short of excellent. A big thank you to Mr Sharp, Miss Farrelly and all the staff for the work completed over the past 6 months with the VRQA.
Grandparent’s / Special Friends Day – Friday 4th November
All Grandparents or special friends are warmly invited to spend the morning with us at Trinity on Friday 4th November. The day will begin with a liturgy at 9am, then some precious time in the classrooms, followed by a special morning tea. A note will be sent home tomorrow to provide us with an indication of how many people will be attending on the day. We are very excited to finally hold this community event after two years of restrictions.
Teacher Appreciation Day - Friday 28th October
Friday 28th October marks the date that Australia celebrates World Teachers’ Day. On this day we remember and acknowledge the wonderful commitment teachers all over Australia have made to educating our children. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the passionate teachers and leaders at Trinity who go above and beyond what is expected every day to ensure our children have the best opportunity to learn and grow. Not only do I have the privilege of working with such a dedicated staff, but I am also blessed to still have the staff educating my youngest son. I hope that you will join me next Friday in wishing the staff a happy World Teachers Day.
Day for Daniel - This Friday 28th October - Children may wear RED clothes on this day
A Day for Daniel is about educating children about child safety and protection and helping empower children to ‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something is not right. On Friday, Trinity will be helping to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm. The children will participate in a range of child safety activities. Thank you to Brooke Farrelly for her organisation of the day. More details can be found within this newsletter.
Fundraising Committee Updates
Today the Fundraising Committee met to plan some events for the 2023 school year. All fundraising initiatives and events will aim to raise much needed funds to go towards developing and landscaping our grounds and purchasing new ICT and media arts equipment. Watch this space for more details.
School Advisory Board
The Annual General Meeting of the School Board will be held on Thursday 24th November. Nomination forms for new parent representative positions on the School Advisory Board can be made by emailing an expression of interest to principal@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au by Friday 28th October.
The responsibilities of the School Advisory Board are to:
- promote the Catholic ethos of the school
- provide feedback on and review of school policies
- plan for the future of the school and its ability to accommodate future enrolments
- provide advice on budget planning and finance-related matters
- contribute to the selection process for the school principal (when the position is advertised)
- provide advice on the appropriate provision of faith development and Religious Education programs
- promote child safety in the school
Assembly - Friday 21st October
This Friday the Year 5 and 6 students will be leading assembly at 2.30pm in the hall. All families ae warmly invited to attend.
Staffing Updates
Congratulations to Miss Prince and Miss Woods on their new appointments to one of our neighbouring schools in Cranbourne for the 2023 school year. I wish them both all the very best and thank them for their ongoing commitment and contribution to the Trinity community.
In 2023 we will welcome Miss Watson, Mrs Vellin and Miss Lindsay back from parental leave in a part time capacity. Miss Stewart will also continue on with us in the new year after her Term 4 appointment.
Regional Athletics
Congratulations to Illara, Tiffany, Gabe, Asmara and Harry on their outstanding achievement in the regional athletics event today. You should all be very proud of yourselves. Congratulations to Illara who has progressed to the state level in hurdles. We wish her all the very best.
Important Term 4 Dates (Please refer to the PAM calndar for all other events)
Monday 31st October School Closure Day
Tuesday 1st November Melbourne Cup Holiday
Friday 4th November Grandparents Day
Monday 28th November School Closure Day
Monday 12th December Year 5 Camp
Thursday 15th December Year 6 Graduation
Friday 16th December Last Day of Term for Students
Tuesday 20th December Last Day of Term for Staff
Kind regards,
Kathryn Pepper
Religious Education Week 3- Socktober
Each Year, Catholics are called to make a difference. It is part of our mission. It is challenging however, as there are so many causes that require our attention. We also have our own challenges we face, many of these whilst trying to appear to the outside world that we truly have got everything under complete control.
Fact is, we all have our challenges. It is easy to think that people who are very wealthy, or the big house down the road, they have it all....reality is, they will have their challenges.
Therefore, we are never going to place any pressure on parents to have to contribute to our fundraisers, but it is important that we teach the students how they can make an impact in the world.
Throughout last term, we acted locally. Our next venture is to act globally.
Socktober has run around the world for many years. What Catholic Missions have found though is that crazy socks days, or bring a gold coin day don't really teach the students about the cause.
Therefore, next Wednesday, we will be participating in their new venture, to kick goals for good.
Basically, the students will make soccer balls out of materials that they can source or would have gone to landfill. Working in teams, they will have to create their own soccer ball and use it to kick a goal, but also understand that millions of children around the world have that experience daily, having to use a plastic bottle or scrunched up paper to play.
There will be a prayer service and an activity attached, but the aim is for our children to understand how fortunate we are to live in a country like Australia and have access to not only balls, but also buildings, books and clean water.
Catholic Missions are raising money for a project in Ethiopia this year. There are many global charities, but we can attest to the difference this organisation makes in empowering communities not for one year, but through education of people so that they can stand on their own in a sustainable manner.
More information can be found in the video below. We invite those that can, to donate in the name of our students and school. This can be done online via the following link. Donations go directly to Catholic Missions and if over $2, are tax deductible. The video mentions setting up your own page, but this is not necessary, and you can donate through our link.
We are aiming for a total of $1000 from our community of 550 people. Again, no pressure. This is more about our students and families learning about Caholic Social Teaching, developing an awareness of how others struggle and understanding the impact we can make. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Hopefully, the students enjoy the experience. Next Wednesday, they can bring in items that they believe will help them make their own soccerball, it all should be items that would have gone to landfill (eg. Old socks, plastic bags, a ripped tshirt). After the day, the kids may come home excited and want to make a family sports ball....just remember to talk about the message of being grateful for what we have!
Student Support
Friday 28 October
Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day
On Friday 28 October, Trinity will be helping to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm.
Day for Daniel is about educating children through child safety and protection initiatives and helping empower children to ‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something is not right.
‘Wear Red – Educate – Donate’ is the theme for Day for Daniel. Schools, kindergartens, businesses and communities across Australia are being encouraged to take action and conduct child safety activities in their local communities to help in ‘Keeping Kids Safe’.
The objectives of Day for Daniel are:
- To raise awareness about child safety and protection while promoting a safe community for children.
- To educate children regarding their personal safety and empower them to ‘Recognise, React and Report’.
- To honour the memory of Daniel Morcombe.
- To raise funds to produce and distribute free educational resources.
We are very lucky to be having special guest speakers speak to our students about the importance of being able to ‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something's not right. Our students will also have the opportunity to ask questions they may have about child safety in the session.
eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner also offers a range of resources as well as webinars to give
parents/carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
Digital technologies and mental health
Learn how games, apps and social media can influence young people’s mental wellbeing.
This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 10 to 18.
It will cover:
- current research on young people, time online and mental health
- what to do about accidental exposure to content about suicide, self-harm or eating disorders
- using games, apps and social media to support mental wellbeing
- the pros and cons of digital mental health platforms
- strategies for young people to support friends online.
Term 4 dates (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Thursday 27 October 12.30 to 1.30 pm
Australian Mathematics Competition
In Term 3, we had over 80 students from Year 3 - Year 6 participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The AMC is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives; it is open to students in years 3 to 12.
Congratulations to all of our students who got out of their comfort zones and participated in the competition.
The following students will be awarded their certificates during our assembly on Friday-
Best In School Award
Natasha (3DN)
Natasha (3DN)
Joel (3DN)
Linaanga (3B)
Ava (4VM)
Chaz (5B)
Hunter (5B)
Rishi (6W)
Celebration of Learning
Congratulations to the following students who will be
awarded a certificate this week, who have displayed one of our four
School Wide Expectations throughout the week.
Happy Birthday
Trinity has zero tolerance towards child abuse and is therefore committed to complying with the Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and School Boarding Premises. All parents/guardians wishing to help in the classroom, canteen or attend excursions MUST have completed the PARENT HELPER WORKSHOP and hold a current WORKING WITH CHILDREN CARD.
Further details are available from the school office or the Justice Department website. All parent/guardian helpers must sign in at the office before proceeding to the classrooms. Your current Working with Children card must be displayed at all times when working in the classrooms and attending excursions.
A reminder to all Parents/Carers, supervision by School Staff begins at 8.30am before school and after school only at the drop off area until 3.30pm.
Please observe and supervise your children as they play on the equipment. Thank you for your co-operation.
In the case of illness/absence please call the school office by 8.30am or login to PAM to send a notification no later than 9.00am on the day of absence.
An SMS will be sent (daily) to Parents after 9.30am for any unexplained student absences.
If no contact can be made or no absence is reported the school may phone emergency contacts to ensure student safety.
If you are going away on holidays you must advise in writing to the Principal BEFORE you leave.
Thank you.
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
- For greater safety and visibility, we are requesting that all drivers reverse park into the marked bays.
- Thank you all who use the pedestrian crossing area. You are demonstrating to your children correct road safety practices. Once children cross the pedestrian crossing into the parking area, they, for their safety, need to be placed into vehicles promptly. The car park is NOT a meeting area.
- The lane around the edge of the car park (closest to the oval) are for vehicles waiting to pick children up from the Pick-up Zone ONLY.
- The two parking bays closest to the office path are the PICK-UP ZONES. These are NO STANDING zones. If your children are not ready to get into your car as you pull up to the pick-up zone, you must continue on and rejoin the end of the pick-up queue.
- There is NO RIGHT TURN when exiting the car park. All vehicles must turn left for the safety of others and to maintain traffic flow.
- THE GATES CLOSE AT 8.50am. They will RE-OPEN AT 3.00pm. The gates close for the day at 3:30pm. Occasionally they might reopen slightly later due to school activities.
- The Staff Car Park is for STAFF PARKING ONLY. Please do not use it as a drop off/pick up for students.
Thank you for your patience and consideration of others
Chair - Kathryn Pepper
Members - Sandy Clua, Kerryn Kelly, Tarika Mahto, Ebony Marcolongo, Gail Rodrigues, Paul Sharp and Georgegina Nettleingham.
Visual Art
Grade One students have created these great Artworks based on the story- Alphabet Soup
Grade Four students used their imagination to create these amazing Homework machines
Grade Six students used their observation skills to draw these chocolate bars using coloured pencils to shown the variations in colour
Our Foundations students created these amazing collages of a chicken based on the book 'Chicken Little'
To place an order, please log on to
Here is the direct link to the brochure
Book club is due on the 24th of October
Physical Education / Sport
On Tuesday 11th October, 49 Year 6 students participated in the Trinity in-school basketball competition, where seven teams versed one another in a round robin competition that took place on the basketball courts at the top carpark. Well done to all the Year 6’s on the way they displayed sportsmanship through supporting one another and playing fairly!
Due to this event being moved forward at the last minute, it was great to see many students take on the roles as a player/coach, scorer and referee. Without your help, the competition would not have been able to take place. You are all to be commended on your outstanding leadership skills.
- Bior (referee, player/coach), Callum (referee, player/coach), Tarryn (referee, player/coach), Mitchell (referee, player/coach and scorer), Jacinta (referee, player/coach), Riley H (referee, scorer and player/coach), Kobe (player/coach), Lachlan (scorer), Messah (scorer), Celeste (scorer), Aniyah (scorer), Preetal (scorer) and Anastasia (scorer).
Thank you to Mr Dannaoui for refereeing most of the games on court 1 and to Mrs Parker for scoring on court 2 and the final.
Congratulations to all of the students and the four teams who progressed through to the finals:
Aqua, Blue, Red and Purple.
The grand final was played in the hall between the Aqua team and the Blue team.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Aqua team on winning.
Mrs Dianna Woolf
(P.E. Teacher)