2025 Term 1 Week 3
From the Principal
Buidling Resilient Kids - Special Event
Religious Education - Term 1, Week 3
Physical Education - Term 1-Week3
Michael Carr-Greg at Mary MacKillop Primary School
Visual Arts at Trinity
2025 Run Club
Canteen News!
SCHOOL PHOTO DAY-12 March 2025
SAFE AROUND Trinity Catholic Primary
Trinity Car Park Etiquette
From the Principal
It has been a joy to see our school buzzing with energy over the first two and a half weeks of this school year.
This term, we have a variety of exciting events and experiences that I am sure will engage and inspire our students. From our annual Athletics Day to the Colour Run, we’re focused on fostering a sense of community. We will also continue to emphasise the importance of social and emotional learning, ensuring our students are not only academically prepared but also well-rounded, confident, and compassionate individuals.
We welcome all new families joining us this year, including our 69 Foundation students and their families. We also welcome three new students across other levels in the school. Thank you for choosing Trinity and placing your trust in the school. We look forward to working in partnership with you and getting to know you better as the year progresses. At Trinity we believe in the power of partnership between home and school. As always, your involvement and support are vital in making this a successful year. Together, we can provide a strong foundation for your child’s success.
As we dive into the term, I want to remind everyone of our School Wide Expectations: With faith, hope and love, we use our actions to be: Responsible, Respectful, Resilient and Safe. Every student’s journey is unique, and we are here to support them every step of the way. We look forward to celebrating all the achievements and milestones, both big and small, that will surely come this year.
Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to an exciting and successful year ahead!
Diocesan Assembly
This coming Friday and Saturday, Miss Emily Rogers and I will be attending the Diocesan Assembly. The Diocesan Assembly is a gathering of representatives from the various communities within the Diocese of Sale to discuss the life of the local Church and make recommendations for the work and mission of the Diocese.
School Canteen
Our school canteen will be opening for the first time next week, on Tuesday the 18th of February. As we have said previously, we are transitioned to a new system called ‘CDF/Flexischools’ for all ordering. You will find more information about this below in the article titled “Canteen News”.
Grade 5 Camp
Next week our Grade 5 students will be heading to camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. We look forward to hearing about all the great activities and fun times they have together during the three days and two nights. Thank you to the staff who are organising and attending the camp. We appreciate your dedication and that this is time away from your own families.
Camps and excursions are an important part of the learning experiences of all students as they can provide important social and emotional development opportunities for students that is often not available in the classroom.
Family Learning Conversations
Family Learning Conversations will be held onsite on Wednesday 26th February (3.30pm – 6.30pm) and Thursday 27th February (3.30pm – 8.00pm). These meetings are an important opportunity for you to share with your child’s teacher your insights into their strengths, challenges, interests, and goals. You are the experts on your child, and we look forward to working in partnership with you to support their growth! An email will be sent home soon detailing the purpose of the meetings and how to sign up.
PSG Meetings will be held from the Monday the 24th of February onwards. Times will be released at the end of this week.
Dr Billy Garvey Parent Session
We are pleased to advise that we have confirmed with Dr Billy Garvey that he will be at Trinity to hold a Parent Session on Monday the 3rd of March at 5-6:30pm.
Dr Billy Garvey describes himself as a dad, podcaster, author and a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years’ experience working with children and families in several settings. He is best known for his podcast, Pop Culture Parenting.
Below you will find a flier about the session. We ask that you indicate if you are coming via the link in the flier so that we know how many attendees we are expecting.
School Photos-12th March
Leading Image School Photography will be taking the photos again this year. Online orders can now be made from now at www.leadingimage.com.au using the Access Key: M8BEY792. Please note, paper order forms will not be sent home. Family photos must be ordered by 4.30pm on Tuesday 11th March. The office staff will send out another communication regarding photos in the coming weeks to remind families. There are more details below.
School Colour Run- Monday 31st March
This year our we have once again teamed up with the Australian Fundraising Association to facilitate the Colour Fun Run. Last year this wonderful community event raised a huge $12,148 all while creating a memorable and fun filled day for the community. As was the case last year, the company supplies all the colour powder, glasses and head bands for the students. Families will be encouraged to sponsor their child to do the event (any monetary amount) and invite extended family members and friends to do the same should they wish. More information will be going home over the coming days. We are looking forward to having a great day together.
2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
We have now begun the process of enrolling 2026 Foundation students. If you have a child coming in 2026, or know of someone else who does, please contact the office for further details. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the Trinity School Website.
Term Three Assembly Dates
Week 4: Thursday 20th of February- Grade 2 Hosting
Week 6: Thursday 6th March- Grade 5 Hosting
Week 8: Thursday 20th March- Harmony Day Assembly
Week 10: Thursday 3rd April- Grade 4 Hosting
Term 1 Important Dates
Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th | Family Learning Conversations |
Monday 3rd March | Dr Billy Garvey Parent Session |
Tuesday 4th March | Shrove Tuesday |
Wednesday 5th March | Ash Wednesday |
Friday 7th March | No School Staff Professional Learning Day for RE |
Monday 10th March | Labour Day Holiday |
Tuesday 11th March | School Closure Day |
Wednesday 12th March | School Photos |
Wednesday 12th March | NAPLAN Testing Window Opens |
Thursday 20th March | Harmony Day |
Friday 21st March | Trinity Athletics Day |
Monday 31st March | Colour Run |
Friday 4th April | Last Day of Term 1 |
Please check PAM for Year level excursions and incursions.
Buidling Resilient Kids - Special Event

Religious Education - Term 1, Week 3
Dear Families,
Beginning of Year Mass
Last week, our school community gathered in faith to celebrate the Beginning of Year Mass with Fr Michael. It was a beautiful way to start the school year, reflecting on our school motto—Faith, Hope, and Love—and asking for God’s guidance in the year ahead.
It was wonderful to see our students engaged in the celebration, singing along with the hymns with excitement. Thank you to all the families who attended, and to all those who donated goods to St Vincent De Paul.
A heartfelt thank you to Fr Michael for leading us in this special Mass. May this spirit of faith and togetherness continue to guide us throughout the year!
Sacrament of Reconciliation
A friendly reminder that the last Parent Formation Session for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is this Thursday 13th beginning at 6:45 pm.
The upcoming Parent-Child Workshop Sessions are as follows:
Wednesday, 26th February 2025 5:00pm OR 7:00pm
Thursday, 27th February 2025 5:00pm OR 7:00pm
Shrove Tuesday Volunteers
Thank-you to all those who have volunteered to assist with the cooking of the pancakes for our upcoming Shrove Tuesday Pancake Celebration. We appreciate all the time and energy you put in to make this day a success. If you are able to assist, please indicate your availability on your child's form or contact the front office.
Kind regards,
Emily Rogers
Religious Education Leader
Physical Education - Term 1-Week3
The students from Foundation to Year 6 have all been practising athletics events in their physical education (PE) lessons in preparation for our whole school event, the Trinity Athletics Carnival. The students will participate in both track and field events at the Casey Fields Regional Athletics Centre on Friday 21st March. Spectators are most welcome to attend. The students have all been allocated a house colour (blue, gold, green and red) and are encouraged to wear their house colour tshirt, along with their Trinity PE uniform at our athletics carnival.
In order for the day to be successful and provide the students in years 4-6 with the best opportunity to progress to the School Sport Victoria (SSV) District Athletics, we require a substantial amount of volunteers to assist with both field and track events. If you are able to assist, please email dianna.woolf@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au or nicole.cahill@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au or alternatively, you can phone the school office on 97041970.
A permission form for your child/children to attend will be available on PAM in the coming weeks.
Mrs Dianna Woolf and Mrs Nicole Cahill (physical education (PE) teachers)
Michael Carr-Greg at Mary MacKillop Primary School
Mary MacKillop Primary School are having Dr Michael Carr-Greg, one of Australia's highest profile child & adolescent psychologists come for a parent presentation. A successful author, speaker, broadcaster and mental health advocate, Michael works in private practice in Melbourne. The main topics of Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg's talk will include tips on raising children in today's world and practical wellbeing strategies to build resilience.
The Mary MacKillop school community have extended an invitation to parents of Trinity to also attend. This is an adults only event. Please see the attached flier for more information.
If you would like to take up this invitation, please email the number of adults attending to info@trinitynarre.catholic.edu.au with "Michael Carr-Greg" in the subject line. This needs to be done by the end of the school day, Friday 12th February so that we can let Mary MacKillop know numbers.
Visual Arts at Trinity
2025 Run Club
This week Run Club will happen on Friday. This is because it was too on today (12/2) to run. We should be able to return to a normal time next week. See the flyer below for more information.
Mr. Dannaoui


Canteen News!

SCHOOL PHOTO DAY-12 March 2025

Trinity has zero tolerance towards child abuse and is therefore committed to complying with the Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and School Boarding Premises. All parents/guardians wishing to help in the classroom, canteen or attend excursions MUST have completed the PARENT HELPER WORKSHOP and hold a current WORKING WITH CHILDREN CARD.
Further details are available from the school office or the Justice Department website. All parent/guardian helpers must sign in at the office before proceeding to the classrooms. Your current Working with Children card must be displayed at all times when working in the classrooms and attending excursions.
A reminder to all Parents/Carers, supervision by School Staff begins at 8.30am before school and after school only at the drop off area until 3.30pm.

SAFE AROUND Trinity Catholic Primary

Trinity Car Park Etiquette
- Please abide by the 5km/h limit the WHOLE TIME you are in the park area.
- For greater safety and visibility, we are requesting that all drivers reverse park into the marked bays in our school car park.
- Thank you to all who use the pedestrian crossing area. You are demonstrating to your children correct road safety practices. Once children cross the pedestrian crossing into the parking area, they, for their safety, need to be placed into vehicles promptly. The car park is NOTa meeting area.
- The lane around the edge of the car park (closest to the oval) are for vehicles waiting to pick children up from the Pick-up Zone ONLY.
- The two parking bays closest to the office path are the only PICK-UP ZONES. These are NO STANDINGzones. If your children are not ready to get into your car as you pull up to the pick-up zone, you must continue on and either park or rejoin the end of the pick-up queue.
- THE GATES CLOSEAT 8.50am. They will RE-OPEN AT 3.00pm. The gates close for the day at 3:30pm. Occasionally they might reopen slightly later due to school activities.
- The Staff Car Park is forSTAFF PARKING ONLY. Please do not use it as a drop off/pick up for students.
We really need commitment from families to NOT TURN RIGHT when exiting the car park. All vehicles must TURN LEFT for the safety of others and to maintain traffic flow.
We also have families double parking along Oakgrove Drive and letting their children out. This is unsafe, prevents traffic flow and against road rules.
We have also been contacted by Casey Council, which patrols the area, about families performing U-turns on Oakgrove Drive. Their advice is as follows:
Ø U-turns are dangerous during the peak school times for pedestrians but also other drivers.
Ø They recommend NOT performing U-turns in this area. This is dangerous for children and pedestrians around a school precinct.
Ø They recommend driving further up to the roundabout on Oakgrove Drive, where you can turn around safely or exit away from the school.
If you have others picking up your children, such as Grandparents, can you please inform them of Trinity’s protocols or etiquette.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to your continued commitment to keep our students and families safe.